Friday 22 May 2015

How to move audiences from A to B

Next time you’re struggling to identify the messaging which will persuade your audience, don’t scour the research again – look inwards.

I recently had the pressure, sorry, pleasure of giving my first Guardian Masterclass on persuasive copywriting. (Dates for another session to be announced soon.)

Teaching the class helped me realise something: the copywriting task people struggle with most is identifying the messaging which will move their target audience from ‘A to B’.

Messaging GPS required
People tend to know where their audience is currently. That’s A. They usually know what they’d like them to end up thinking, feeling or doing. That’s B. It’s the bridge between the two they find tricky.

What issues or beliefs are stopping their audience from doing what they want them to? And what messaging is going to tease these barriers apart and let the audience accept your proposition? These are the fundamental questions of copywriting – ones we grapple with on a daily basis.